Meditation ~ Discover your 'why'...

Peace, Love & Acupuncture’s current project is a little series for our YouTube channel to help you get started with setting up your meditation practice. Everything you need from the ground up. The most important thing to discover initially is… Your *why*.

In my regular life as an acupuncturist & meditation/yin yoga teacher, I help many people uncover a tapestry of ‘why’s’. From stressful, ongoing experiences such as insomnia, migraine headaches, hypertension, anxiety & depression to simply acknowledging the importance of leading a more peaceful, grounded life. We have all heard of how the benefits of a mindfulness & meditation practice might help to reduce these stress related symptoms whilst providing a grounded spiritual practice.

We hope you find our beginners meditation series helpful, whether you are a complete nubey unsure of how to begin & also if you are experienced & seeking inspiration for your current practice. I have been teaching a unique meditation style using Esoteric Acupuncture New Encoding Patterns in small group environments both online & in person, since February 2016.

Love Bec