3~6~1 Antahkarana Sequence

Saturday 10am fortnightly


Since Feb 2016 I have been teaching Dr. Mikio Sankey’s L.Ac. 3~6~1 Antahkarana sequence for enhancing intuition, awakening consciousness & heart field expansion. This is a guided meditation program that incorporates the wisdom of Esoteric Acupuncture, Sacred Geometry, the Ancient Hindu Chakra System, Advanced Energy Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine & 5 Element Theory - Earth Metal Water Wood Fire

To download your FREE Antahkarana Ebook, how to build your Inner Spiritual Antennae, adapted from Dr Mikio’s Sea of Fire ~ Cosmic Fire, Esoteric Acupuncture Volume IV, please email Rebecca at beckyjtcm@bigpond.com.

The Antahkarana Meditation class is suitable for keen beginners, acupuncturists, healers, yogis, lightworkers or experienced meditators seeking inspiration for their current practice. It is a very dynamic style of inner plane work.

Specifically the Antahkarana sequence is the mindful activation of 36 + 1 acupuncture points. Each point is an energetic gateway, containing within an infinite amount of information. With dedication & devotion, this practice can potentially unlock, awaken & strengthen your spiritual & intuitive intelligence.

Meditation is an essential practice in the quest for modern day happiness. At the very least we are gaining some quiet time, spent reflecting one’s own thoughts, observing simple things such as the breath, & the way that being quiet for a time is profoundly healing. There are many types of meditation, just as there are many tools to awakening. The Antahkarana Meditation sequence is unlike any other inner work tool or technique that you will ever experience.          



“To open all of the Inner Secrets, one must first unravel the mysteries of the Higher Heart and learn to be very still” - Mikio Sankey