Hello & welcome to Peace, Love and Acupuncture. I’m Rebecca Jade (B.HSc.TCM/Acupuncture ~ 2003) a registered Acupuncturist, Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin Yoga, Meditation & Pranayama Teacher. I am an accredited member of ATMS, AHPRA & CMRB & a devoted student of my craft.

Motivated by all things peace, love & acupuncture, I am a dedicated Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a Japanese & Esoteric Acupuncturist & Advanced Energy Healer. 

My work is in alignment with my Soul’s purpose & the natural flow of life (Tao). I am devoted to sharing & teaching for the purpose of humanity enlightenment & planetary consciousness evolution.

Post~graduate studies include - 2013, 2014 & 2015 in Melbourne, Australia direct study with the inspirational Dr. Mikio Sankey PhD L.Ac., completing advanced levels of Esoteric Acupuncture, Advanced Energy Healing & the 3~6~1 Antahkarana Meditation Sequence.

During this time I began a daily meditation practice & my life brightly transformed as a direct result.

Since 2016 to current I have continued my studies of Esoteric Acupuncture with Australia’s only formally recognised teacher, Alison Clark-Daly, having now completed the advanced level training at least 10x.

In December 2015 in Osaka, Japan, I was a member of Kiiko Matsumoto's Study Tour & as such, felt very privileged to be a student of world renowned Japanese Acupuncturists Dr.Masaaki Nakano & Kiiko Matsumoto.

In October 2016 in Boulder, Colorado, I again studied with Dr.Mikio Sankey PhD L.Ac., & repeated advanced level training in Esoteric Acupuncture, 3~6~1 Antahkarana Meditation sequence & 5 Element Nutrition - Support the Mountain.

In 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 I continued my study with Japanese Acupuncture Master - Tsuyoshi Shimamura Sensei in Melbourne & Brisbane, Australia.

Since February 2016 I have continually taught weekly meditation classes heroing the 3~6~1 Antahkarana Sequence & have since, with Dr. Mikio’s blessing, designed my own meditation program - Awakening Consciousness Meditation & New Energy Healing Meditation - as an ongoing contribution to the expansion of Esoteric Acupuncture & Advanced Energy Healing.

Currently there are 5x weekly online classes with a community of beautiful humans from Australia and around the globe! Join us anytime by visiting the meditation page Xx

For relaxation, my family & I love to camp & outdoor rock climb. It’s a supremely supportive, adventurous environment & we LOVE it! During 2020 my family & I spent 6 months living in a humble tent, with one tiny bag each, outdoors all the time & the experience was life changing. Ever since then we have been doing things differently. We stopped working ridiculous hours, honouring the simple things, began content creating for our YouTube channel & consciously stepped into our creative selves. You can read more about our journey in the peace, love & acupuncture blog posts above!

Thankyou so much for being here.

In Love & Kindness

🤍 Bec