Japanese Acupuncture is a traditional palpation-based healing system combining acupuncture needling and manual techniques.
Diagnosis is achieved through principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, observation of your face, body, tongue, pulses and hara (belly). It is a refined, elegant and thorough system that is very gentle, relaxing and comfortable.
Having studied with Japanese Masters of Acupuncture Dr. Masaaki Nakano, Kiiko Matsumoto Sensei and her dearest teacher Tsuyoshi Shimamura Sensei, Rebecca has come to believe that Japanese Acupuncture is unlike any other healing system. Shimamura Sensei calls his style 'Te A Te Hari' which means 'to pour passion and heart into your hands'.
According to the World Health Organisation, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture may be used to successfully treat hundreds of conditions & diseases including all types of pain, allergies, insomnia, emotional, psychological & stress related disorders, support for symptoms arising during chemotherapy & radiation therapy, gynaecological conditions, men’s & women’s health, digestive issues & so much more.
Please reach out & ask any questions you may have regarding how acupuncture treatments can support you & your family.
Esoteric Acupuncture & New Energy Healing combines the ancient wisdoms of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Sacred Geometry; the Ancient Hindu Chakra System; the 3~6~1 Antahkarana Meditation Sequence & New Encoding Patterns.
Esoteric Acupuncture is a healing tool which is used for the potential access to higher vibrational energy fields & consciousness expansion.
To reveal the Inner Wisdoms, one must first unravel the mysteries of the Higher Heart & learn to be very Still. Through Esoteric Acupuncture treatments & a devoted inner work practice, such as Esoteric Acupuncture Meditation, you may reveal your ‘Jewel in the Lotus’ - the unique gift that only you can offer the World.
SHONISHIN is Japanese Paediatric Acupuncture for kids of all ages.
Developed in the 1700’s in Osaka, Japan, Shonishin is slowly increasing in popularity around the World due to its gentle simplicity. Shonishin focuses on gentle & rhythmic tapping, rubbing and stroking of the meridians and acupoints on the body to help strengthen the child’s vitality, clearing heat & congestion & allowing the bodies natural tendency for homeostasis to emerge.
The treatment is applied with a simple, round tipped Japanese titanium instrument called a Teishin, lots of kindness, laughter & gentle hands.